Flashback Cabo Verde

Travel Guide Cabo Verde (Sal, Ilha de São Vicente, Santo Antão), Surf, Hikking and other stories

Beach Yoga

Before leaving Portugal I was lucky and got invited to a beach yoga class on the so called secret Beach, Ferrel. Apparently the beach is not secret but called that way by locals. So I found myself within a bunch of Portuguese at 10 am on one of the most beautiful places I could imagine…

Stories from a surf & yoga retreat in Portugal

Resuming the past week there is one word that fits best: it was intense. Meaning  it both ways, positive and negative. I had lots of fun, met many nice people and we laughed a lot but also suffered together. Before starting the week I already had respect concerning the program starting the morning with a…

One day in Lisbon

Once again I am in Lisbon, I spent here some wmany days in the past years it already feels like my second home in some way. I know most of the neighbourhoods and I usually spend the day walking around the city which is what I would recommend to anyone visiting Lisbon. If you just…

Flashback Costa Rica/Panama

Right after coming back from Malaysia I already knew – I need more. My wanderlust was more awakened than ever so within three day I was the happy owner of a flight ticket to Costa Rica. The choice of the country was rather unconventional – and I have to recognize, also a bit embarrassing. As…

Home practice

This has been discussed so many times in other blogs but as there are still so many people thinking they wont be able to practice at home, I will give some input as well and maybe I get at least one of you to establish a routine. 🙂 It´s so much easier to just roll…

Wanderlust Taunus

Taking advantage of yesterday´s bank holiday and the sunny weather I decided to do my practice in the afternoon and went to the Taunus area doing a small hiking tour (3BurgenWeg, approx. 11km). There is not too much to say but the sky was incredibly blue and the trees astonishingly green. I don’t know if this…

Conscious living

You always read you should live in the present, focus on your inside and not worry too much about the past or the future. Sometimes I do this maybe too well. There are those days you leave your house just to find out that it is raining- and as the bus is almost reaching your station there…

A weekend in Ericeira and my first Ashtanga class

Three weeks ago I spent the weekend in lovely Ericeira, one hour north of Lisbon. As I know the Lisbon area pretty well due to lots of prior trips to Portugal, I decided to take the bus and discover something new. My first time in Ericeira had been two months ago and “luckily” it coincided just with…